Monday 28 January 2013

Best Friends For Never {Chapter 7 - Chioma}

I slipped into a seat next to Remi and she looked up at me in surprise.

"You’re in this class?"

"Yeah, awesome right!" I squealed and she gave me a thumbs up. "Think you can hang out tonight?" I asked.

"I can't, I'm going to the library."

"Oh... Who am I supposed to hang out with!? Lanre has assignments too and kingsley is like MIA. He was a total jerk at lunch. Any idea why?" I asked

"No." She said quickly. We didn't talk for the rest of class and I felt an awkward vibe between us. I tapped my nails on the desk impatiently. Finally the bell rang and we got up quickly.

Lanre was waiting outside the class. "Hey!" He called waving us over.

"Hi." I said taking his hand and heading down the hall. "Hey do you know what’s going on with Kingsley?" I asked.

"Actually I have no idea." He shot Remi a look and she looked away quickly.

I pulled to a stop in the hall. "OK something is going on between the two of you and I want to know." I waited for someone to respond. "Well?"

"Chioma," Lanre began, his face solemn.

"You caught us!" Remi interrupted with a laugh. "We have been planning a surprise party for you. I told you she would find out!" She said with a nervous laugh and slapped Lanre playfully upside the head.

"Sorry!" Lanre gave an uneasy laugh.

"Awww," I smiled and hugged him. "You don't need to do anything for me!"

"Of course I do." He said with a smile leaning down to kiss me.

"Chioma!" Remi interrupted. "We are gonna get stuck in traffic, let’s go now ooo!" I blushed heavily and said my goodbye to Lanre as we headed towards the school gate.

I linked arms with Remi and smiled. "I have the best friend in the world."

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