Tuesday 22 January 2013

Best Friends For Never {Chapter 4 - Remi}

I went straight to Kingsley's house from chioma's, I didn't care if he was awake or not I just walked in.

"KINGSLEY!!!" I screamed through the house

"What the hell are you doing here?" he said in a groggy voice.

"We need to talk" I said running through the house to find him.I got to his room and he was lying on his bed with his pillow on his face curled up in his blanket.

"Kingsley please I need to talk to you." I said shaking his sheets off.

"No!" He yelled, muffled by his pillow.

"Kingsley please it was an accident." I begged.

"WHAT THE HELL REMI, CHIOMA IS YOUR BEST FRIEND, HOW COULD YOU?" He yelled sitting up. This was the first time I have ever seen him serious.

"Kingsley Please don't tell her. I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing it will never happen again I promise." I said busting into tears. He got up and hugged me.

"Wait oo you want me to keep that a secret?" He yelled. "Cause I think I should go tell chioma now."

"No!" I cried. "Kingsley it will never happen again, I swear. If you tell her it will just hurt her. Please."

"Fine." He said glaring at me. "But if it ever happens again, if I even catch you looking in his direction, I will tell her."

"Of course never again I promise." I said. Right then we heard a knock on the door neither me or Kingsley moved.

"I know you're here" I heard Chioma call through the door. Again neither me or Kingsley moved. When she stopped knocking I looked out the window and she was gone.

"I have to go" I said leaving in tears.

"Wait Remi" Kingsley said walking out of his room.

"I told you I promise it won’t happen again I'm sorry" I said walking towards the front door. Then he grabbed my arm.

"No Remi, listen you know I'm pissed at you but don't think I hate you because I will never hate you or Chioma. Just if you hurt her I will.... just don't hurt again" he said letting me go. I walked to my house still in tears. I had to talk to Lanre. I entered my room and got out my phone.

"Hello?" Lanre answered.

"Let me get things straight we will not tell Chioma about the kiss. We were both drunk and didn't know what we were doing. When we all hang out tomorrow don't look at me, don't talk to me. That kiss meant nothing. You love Chioma and she loves you" I said quickly.

"But Remi I wasn't drunk...what if it did mean something?"

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