Wednesday 23 January 2013

Best Friends For Never {chapter 5 - Chioma}

School. I can never decide if I love or hate it. Unbearable early mornings, long dull classes, your whole day shut away in a room. But then again you can see your friends, learn things you never knew, have people influence your future for the better (though it’s sometimes for the worse). But no matter how you feel, love or hate it, you have to go anyway.

Monday was the first day and I was hoping maybe things would be back to normal. I spotted Remi and ran over. "Remi! Hey!" She saw me and gave a small wave then began fidgeting with the seam of her shirt.

"Hey Chioma." She gave me a smile but I could see something else on her face, but I wasn't sure what.

We headed into the building and I shoved my hands into the pockets of my hoodie. "So," I began awkwardly. "Did something happen at the party?" Remi looked at me with shock.

"Chioma i- i" She seemed at a loss for words.

"I knew it." I said with a sigh.

"You what?" She squeaked.

"I knew, that’s why you where acting so weird! So what did I do?" I asked. Her face relaxed.

"What do you mean what did you do?"

"I must have done something because I think everyone is mad at me. Lanre, Kingsley and you where all avoiding me." Suddenly Remi was laughing like an insane person. "What?" I asked confused.

"Chioma we were all hung over that’s why we were acting weird, no one was avoiding you! You didn't do anything!" I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God! You guys really scared me, normally you aren't so weird when you are hung over though."

Remi just shrugged. "Different drinks?"

"Maybe." I agreed. We walked the rest of the way to class in silence.

"I'm sorry." Remi said, her face unreadable.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked giving her a look.

"For scaring you!" she said with a laugh and a smile, but like before something was hidden under the surface.

"Its all good babe." I joked and gave her a hug.

Lanre sat down next to me at the lunch table. "Hey." He said coolly and kissed me on the cheek. "Sorry for being so short with you before." He apologized and I let out a small laugh.

"Everyone is apologizing! Really guys its fine." I said addressing both Lanre and Remi. Lanre nodded then met Remi's eyes and she quickly looked away. "Whats up with you two?" I asked rolling my eyes and biting my burger.

"Nothing." Remi said giving me a smile.

"If you say so." I muttered under my breath. "Look there is Kingsley!" I yelled his name and waved him over but he ignored me and kept talking to a girl in a tight skirt and top. "I'll be right back." I walked over to him ready to drag him back to the table by force if necessary.

"I like your shirt." He said to the girl and she gave him a big smile.
"Thanks!I got it at -"

"Kingsley." I interrupted and the girl glared at me. As for Kingsley I couldn't really read his expression. "Can we talk?"

"I was sort of talking to Halima." Halima? The name seemed to fit the girl at least.

"Well Kingsley can't Halima wait?" I asked annoyed.

"Is this your girlfriend?" Halima asked popping her gum and eyeing me. "Cause at the party you said you didn't have one." Oh great he had probably been setting P with Halima.

"No she is not my girlfriend." He said meeting my eyes annoyed. "Chioma what do you want?"

"I want to know why you’re avoiding me!"

"I'm not avoiding you." He said simply. Before I could respond I saw him looking at something behind me. "If I were you get back to your table." I turned around to see Lanre and Remi whispering to each other. I felt an uncomfortable stirring in my stomach. No way am I jealous. I know there is nothing between them, not in a million years. But the way Kingsley had said it was as if he was inferring there was something going on, which just made me mad.

"Shut up Kingsley." I snapped and stormed back to the table. As I approached the two quickly quit talking. "So what where you talking about?" I asked calmly.

"Nothing really." Lanre said with a shrug. I believed him, or at least I wanted to, but Kingsley had left me unsure.


  1. Ur just dumb!!!!!!! How can you believe him

  2. This Chioma girl is just an ode *hiss*
